1 min read
02 Oct

What Do We Believe at Heart Connections Project?
At Heart Connections Project, we believe in developing the capabilities of our human spirit to bring spirit-led living and to open greater possibilities for healing. 
How Do We Strengthen Our Spirit?

The way we strengthen and access our spirit is by speaking and reading blessings custom-tailored to the design of our spirit according to the outline of 7 gifts in Romans chapter 12. People who come to our bi-weekly Cafes have some exposure to this process or have even been through our Bootcamp, which is an 8-week experience of blessings.

What Is Unique In What We Do?
While blessings and 7 Redemptive Gifts are known by a fairly large community in the Body of Christ, we are going further by bringing healing to people's hearts, which the Word tells us is the wellspring of our life. 

How Does the Spirit Bring Healing to the Heart in Community?
Our heart is burdened by false beliefs that hinder faith. Through our spirit, we open our heart to know Jesus intimately and build community with Him and with fellow believers. This is Heart Connections. We are building this process with an informal Cafe as a first step before the Bootcamp.
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